Pistis sophia is an important gnostic text discovered in 1773, 1 possibly written as early as the 2nd century. Part of a vast collection of materials dealing with gnosis and gnosticism, both ancient and modern. The first book chapters establishes that jesus remained with the disciples for 11 years after the resurrection, teaching them only the lowest of the mysteries. Pistis sophia is an ancient text believed to have been written in the 3rd or 4th century ad. The hurtaks have worked extensively in developing countries, including the archeological sites of giza and the. The pistis sophia teaches us that humanity has inherited from the first space of the divine an indwelling divine. Hurtak is a deeply profund journey into the divine feminine. He very clearly relegates to nothingness all the religious chauvinism of the importance of the male over the female, and the female disciples show that they have the lead in understanding what. Pistis sophia a coptic gnostic text with commentary unknown binding january 1, 1999 by desiree hurtak author, dr. The pistis sophia is preserved in the codex askewianus and has been known to scholars for nearly two centuries. He is author of over 15 books, including commentaries on ancient mystical and gnostic texts such as the pistis sophia. Dr jj hurtak discusses how the information contained. In the historic period after the early church became established as the official religion of the roman empire 325 c.
Pistis sophia 57 the twelve repentances of pistis sophia are related with the twelve hours of apollonius, the twelve works of hercules, the twelve aeons. It relates the gnostic teachings of the transfigured jesus to the assembled disciples including his mother mary, mary magdalene, and martha. In these days of the higher criticism, with its merciless analysis of original scripture, much light would doubtless be thrown on the. I am persuaded also that the anonymous and very imperfect french translation 1856 in the appendix to mignes dictionnaire des apocryphes vol. The pistis sophia, conceived in hebrew thoughtpatterns rendered into greek and coptic is one of the great gospels, for it is a true witness of the mysteries of the language jesus used to call down his higher body of light in the presence of his initiated disciples. The sophia code top results of your surfing the sophia code start download portable document format pdf and ebooks electronic books free online rating news 20162017 is books that can provide inspiration, insight, knowledge to the reader. Pistis sophia, was written by english historian, writer, editor, translator and theosophist g. Hurtak je napisal ali prevedel preko petnajst knjig, vkljucno s komentarji o starodavnih misticnih in gnosticnih besedilih kot je pistis sophia.
Through science and information technology, the world is undergoing major transformations in social, cultural, economic, and environmental dimensions. Path of initiation course 10 pistis sophia and yaldabaoth sacred. The text, which was first discovered in 1773, tells of a gnostic groups teaching of the transfigured jesus to his disciples. Hurtak and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Chapter and pistis sophia cried out most exceedingly, she cried to the light of lights which she had seen from the beginning, in which she had had faith, and uttered this repentance, saying thus.
Future science the academy for future science official site. Ancient temple work endowed an initiate with higher wisdom, revealing the greater pattern behind all things, as well as a transference of spiritual energy. Hurtak and desiree hurtak the coptic gnostic narrative theme which attempts to explain the dilemma of humanitys predicament as a realm of intelligence amidst many realms of life, both visible and invisible. The coptic gnostic narrative theme which attempts to explain the dilemma of humanitys. Leta 2006 je bil skupaj s fizikom russellom targom soavtor knjige konec trpljenja. Hurtak, social scientist and researcher, provide extensive commentary to help you. In greek, pistis means faith and sophia means wisdom and the overself awakening. I had the good fortune of studying the keys and the pistis sophia for three years in tulsa. Pistis sophia a coptic gnostic text with commentary desiree hurtak, dr.
Free pdf download as such, it s generally good practice to seed at least as much as you download. Oct 23, 2017 pistis sophia, a gnostic text book one chapter 1629 duration. Academy books the academy for future science study the. The book of knowledge the keys of enoch gathering spot. A gnostic miscellany kessinger 1997 reprint violet macdermot, the fall of sophia lindisfarne 2002 j. In recent years some authors have attempted to interpret the text, such as jan van rijckenborgh, with his book les mysta. Pdf version animated pistis sophia and coyolxauhqui. Carl schmidt, pistis sophia koptisch 1925 internet archive. You will be surprised how quickly apps will come to metro. Hurtak and his wife desiree hurtak, published a book, in 1999, with the title.
The savior is directed by the ineffable to assist in the extension of the divine powers into the human kingdom according to the desires of humanity, and to reveal the efficacy of. An introduction to pistis sophia free download as word doc. Finely indeed dost thou question concerning all with precision and certainty. A coptic gnostic text with commentary by desiree hurtak 19991109 desiree hurtak. Jul 28, 2016 violet macdermot, the fall of sophia lindisfarne 2002 j. Text and commentary academy for future science 1999 recommended books for the study of early christian writings information on pistis sophia. See all formats and editions hide other formats and editions. The above is the name of the work which was subtitled a coptic gnostic text wi th commentary by j. Hurtak, the subject of a lengthy article on your website, i have just read the above captioned piece by carol s. Pistis sophia still remains one of the most important gnostic documents on. Currently, scholars date it to the 4th or 5th century, but really, its origins are unknown. Hurtaks lawyer and by carol matthews a reply on behalf of dr. Puech, revised by beate blatz, writes new testament apocrypha, vol. The pistis sophia is one of the more wellknown of the early gnostic writings.
An introduction to pistis sophia plane esotericism. Apr 16, 2006 the pistis sophia is a translation and commentary of a special collection of 2,000 year old gnostic coptic manuscripts, derived from ancient egyptiancoptic christian codexes. Pistis sophia a coptic gnostic text with commentary. Drs jj and desiree hurtak on the age of the kingdom, the divine. The pistis sophia was purchased by the british museum in 1795 from a doctor and it wasnt until 1851 that work began on its translation. Pistis sophia reflections on hurtak s commentary books. Mette in luce anche il ruolo delle discepole donne nel ministero di gesu il cristo. Jj hurtak pistis sophia pdf download jj hurtak pistis sophia pdf. Giving voice to the wisdom of the ages 9,917 views. Collected articles from the journal of future history on the evolution of consciousness by j. Pistis sophia, a gnostic text book one chapter 115 youtube. The pistis sophia teaches us that humanity has inherited from the first space of the divine an indwelling divine power. The principal goal of the academy is to provide all people with educational and scientific tools that will help. Personal views archives the keys of enoch european english.
The academy for future science is a nonprofit corporation that examines new scientific ideas for the future. Hurtak, social scientist and researcher, provide extensive commentary to help you understand the original texts which are included in their entirety in a newly revised translation, and guide us through the extraordinary plight of sophia wisdom into a fuller. Meads translation of the pistis sophia, the most extensive gnostic scripture available until the discovery of nag hammadi texts in 1945 the pistis sopha is a startling blend of primitive christianity and hellenic paganism, with other elements such as reincarnation, astrology, mystery religion and hermetic magic. In these twelve repentances, the qualification of the eight great initiations of the fire take place, as well as four more works following the resurrection of the intimate christ within the. The psalms are used wholly as allegorical vehicles for interpretation of the pistis sophia myth. Pistis sophia is portrayed as a feminine entity, and in the teachings the disciples were involved in a dialogue with jesus the christ in his light body. Hurtak 1999, kivar or like at the best online prices at ebay.
Meads translation of the pistis sophia, the most extensive gnostic scripture available until the discovery of nag hammadi texts in 1945. Ebook the sophia code as pdf download portable document format. Pisti sophia recounts that jesus remained on earth after the resurrection for 11 years. Hurtak and his wife desiree hurtak, published a book, in 1999, with the title pistis sophia, a coptic gnostic text with commentaryiv. The music and toning in the keys is transforming and transporting. Hurtak of several books including their latest book is entitled overself awakening. An introduction to pistis sophia plane esotericism gnosticism. The site includes the gnostic library, with the complete nag hammadi library and a large collection of other primary gnostic scriptures and documents. Gnostic creation of the world nag hammadi library with music. Jack finegan writes hidden records of the life of jesus, p. Ebook the sophia code as pdf download portable document. The discovery of the pistis sophia predates the nag hammadi discoveries but the ps remains the longest and most complete christian gnostic text we have.
Hurtak january 4, 2006 as a lawyer who has worked with dr. We have no reason to doubt that their guess is a good one, but its nonetheless a guess. James hurtak is an american social scientist, comparative religionist, scholar, author, and founder and president of the academy for future science. Leta 2006 je bil skupaj s fizikom russellom targom soavtor knjige.
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